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Exercises to Ease Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety

At First Class Personal Training, your mental health is a critical part of achieving your fitness goals. Not only will our personal trainers be alongside you while you exercise, they’re also ready to help create and adapt a fitness plan that perfectly fits your needs and goals – even if you’re struggling with depression or anxiety.

We understand first hand how difficult it can be to feel motivated to want to exercise in the first place. The negative effects of depression and anxiety can make you feel like not even getting out of bed, but we’re here to help you combat these struggles.

Many symptoms of depression and anxiety can be improved or even alleviated with exercise. A well-planned exercise program can help you:

  • Reduce stress levels
  • Learn healthy daily living habits
  • Target specific mental health exercise concerns

Just as negative mental health can affect anyone, we are here to provide assistance and guide our clients regardless of your athletic level. In other words – you don’t have to be an athlete to help treat your depression and anxiety with exercise.

Wanting to push yourself to get on-top of your health, physically and mentally, is a fantastic first step.

Exercise and Stress Relief

In studies done by the University of Physical Education in Warsaw, they write about physical activity being linked to many beneficial mental health effects. The article states how most improvements are brought about by consistent aerobic exercises, notably those which use large muscle groups. This would include great low-to-moderate intensity activities such as jogging, swimming, cycling, or even simply going for a walk. The study also states, “They should be conducted for 15 to 30 minutes and performed a minimum of three times a week in programs of 10-weeks or longer.”

The university found results confirming the acute effect of exercise; most notably, the reductions in anxiety and depression after single sessions of exercise. The improvements in the symptoms of anxiety and depression are mainly explained by the endorphin and monoamine chemical boosts in the brain, both of which assist in delivering “feel-good” emotions.

Exercise and Stress Relief

Healthy Daily Living For A Healthy Mind

For many of us, making time to go to a gym can be easier said than done. Life can be busy, so finding ways to make our daily lives more active is a great starting point. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, benefits of regular exercise can include:

  • Improving your mental health and mood – From releasing endorphins to feeling better about how you look physically, exercising consistently is important for all healthy humans!
  • Reducing your risk of some cancers – including colon, breast, uterine, and lung cancer.
  • Improved sleeping habits – Just a single half-hour exercise session can reduce the time and trouble it takes for you to fall asleep and help you sleep longer and deeper overall. Research also shows that “aerobic exercise appears to reduce pre-sleep anxiety”

Taking time daily to choose healthier alternatives can also be very beneficial, even the smallest changes can help you. Instead of taking the elevator, opt for using the stairs. Park further away from your destination, or even bike or walk if it’s possible. It can also be helpful to have a workout partner! Having a workout/fitness partner may make exercise more enjoyable.

If you enjoy the social aspect that working out in a group or a class provides, consider joining a program or two! These can be anything from hiking groups, cycling classes, dance classes, or a local sports team! Many individuals enjoy these low/moderate intensity workouts along with other forms of exercise, such as biking to class, or even taking a nice swim after a warm and sunny day jog!

Getting Started and Staying Motivated

It is imperative to stress the importance of consistent, routine workouts, but taking into account how you’re feeling mentally as well as physically is also vital. Making sure you enjoy your workout activity is a great way to keep from burning out fast. Some people don’t enjoy swimming, and some don’t enjoy jogging or running. It’s good to catch these quick, and find a workout that works for YOU!

First Class Personal Training is determined to make sure you achieve your fitness goals, so we know how important it is to feel motivated to reach those goals yourself. Low-intensity social workouts, such as Tai Chi and Yoga are good ways to exercise alongside other like-minded individuals. Social workout settings can help you feel more comfortable and keep you motivated to keep going.

Fitness and exercise are great key elements in healthy living, but they are by no means a cure-all. However, practicing healthy and active mindsets and daily living can be incredibly beneficial for those struggles with the adverse effects of poor mental health. It can be very easy to feel alone when looking for solutions to health issues you are struggling with, be it physical or mental.

There are many forms of exercise that can be beneficial for those struggling with mental health, and we here at First Class Personal Training always make sure we are doing our best to help each and every one of our clients. Just like all of our current patrons, we understand that fitness plans should be just as unique as the individuals they’re designed for. Young or old, gym or home, we’ll figure out a plan that works for you!

If you’re still having doubts about taking your first step on your health and wellness journey, please don’t wait any longer! Please call us or contact us online on our website to schedule your complimentary consultation!

August 28, 2021