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Category: Fitness Tips & Motivation

New Year Resolution Results with First Class Personal Training

The number 2024 with a kettlebell representing the number 0

2024 is just around the corner and just like any other year, it’s time for new year resolutions again! This coming year, you might want to get into better shape, make some muscle gains or simply work toward becoming healthier because it’s no secret that during the holidays, we all indulge a little too much. …Read More

Top Reasons Why Personal Training is Worth It

Making a change and deciding to be more active can be challenging for some people, but the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle will definitely pay off. Investing in yourself by deciding to hire a personal trainer has many potential benefits that make it worthwhile. Here are some reasons why hiring a personal trainer is …Read More

How To Stay Active In Winter

The leaves are beginning to change, the sun is going down earlier, and there’s a crisp chill in the air. Now that the warm summers have gone away for the year, your motivation to keep up your fitness routine may dwindle. Don’t let the changing seasons change your goals, here is how to maintain your …Read More

Managing Stress To Help Meet Fitness Goals

An image of a person holding a steel barbell in a gym with kettlebells on a rack in the background

Stress is a natural emotional reaction to negative experiences and other stimuli. Although stress is seen as a negative emotion, there are many benefits that can come from our body’s natural fight or flight response. First Class Personal TrainingGera is the Founder and Head Trainer of First Class Personal Training with over 20 years of …Read More

Personal Training and Pregnancy

A pregnant woman sits cross-legged on a yoga mat caressing her pregnant belly

Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, and bringing new life into the world is a special choice that isn’t taken lightly. The benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle take on a new light when pregnant, and working with a personal trainer can help you keep healthy during this new and wonderful time.   The following article …Read More

How to Stay Active and Healthy While Traveling

An image looking out at an airplane taking off from the airport, there are 2 pieces of luggage in the foreground

Whether you are on a business trip to Montreal, or on your long anticipated vacation to Hawaii, bringing along your active and healthy lifestyle is important in maintaining your motivation while making the most out of your vacation time.  When you go on vacation, oftentimes you are leaving the stress and monotony of your daily …Read More

The Importance Of Rest And Recovery After Exercising

a young woman wearing workout clothes lays down on her back on the grass to rest after sprinting

Rest is an essential part of every exercise regimen. After pushing ourselves hard and making the most of every workout session, it is important to give our bodies time to recover to prevent injury. Knowing when and how to rest in between reps and sets, as well as when to give yourself time to recover …Read More

Do I Need Exercise Equipment To Get Fit?

An image of free weights and gym equipment in a fitness facility.

It’s a common misconception that in order to have a good workout, you need expensive, specialized equipment in order to make the most of the time that you set aside to exercise.  This is far from the truth, a good workout session can be completed with very little equipment all in the comfort of your …Read More

Why Personal Trainers Outperform Exercise Apps

A woman is sitting on a bench in the gym checking her smartphone while wearing exercise gloves. There is a stack of free weights behind her

With so many fitness apps available on your smartphone, it can be tempting to simply download an app like MyFitnessPal or Keep Fitness, and start working out on your own. Many smartphones come loaded with fitness tracking capabilities that try to prompt you to improve your activity levels and hit the universally-prescribed “10,000 step” daily …Read More

When Is The Best Time To Work Out?

Healthy young woman warming up outdoors workout before training session at the park.

Working out regularly may feel like a big commitment at first, one that many people have challenges with starting and maintaining. It is important to always keep your reason for working out in mind, and the goals that you would like to achieve. Some people workout to lose weight, others work out to build muscle, …Read More